Je l’ znate onaj osećaj kada vas nešto toliko oduševi da ostanete bez teksta, kada ste srećni jer pored vas postoje i drugi ljudi koji cene jedinstvenost, koji cene svoj način izražavanja i predstavljanja svetu, koji su toliko sigurni u svoje „ja“ da apsolutno ništa ne može da ih poljulja? A tu je još i saznanje da su to ljudi (pretežno dame, ali ima tu i stylish gospodina) koji su godinama gradili svoj identitet i svoj stil. Ja ih gledam, i ne prestajem da se oduševljavam! :)
Naime, radi se o sledećem projektu koji je pokrenuo Ari Seth Cohen na svom blogu Advanced Style. On već par godina luta ulicama New Yorka u potrazi za starijim kreativnim ljudima, čija je strast upravo moda! Kažu da s godinama dolazi samopouzdanje koje se ogleda u svim sferama života, pa i u ličnom stilu. Ove stylish dame su upravo dokaz za to! :) One, sa svojih 70/80/90/a neke čak i sa 100 godina, žive život punim plućima, i dalje se edukuju, vežbaju, i sve to sa stilom i sa puno životne energije! Njihov savet je – Slavi svaki svoj dan i ne obraćaj pažnju na kalendar. Nije tako teško, zar ne? :) Zaista su prave dame i nepresušna inspiracija.
(slike su preuzete sa bloga Advanced Style)
Do you know the feeling when you are amazed by something, when you are happy because you know there are other people too who appreciate uniqueness and how they present themselves to the world? They are very confident in themselves, and plus they’ve spent years building their identity and personal style. They are always amazing me! :)
Ari Seth Cohen, for a few years, is wondering the streets of New York , and looking for creative elders who have passion for fashion! :) He is presenting them on his blog Advanced Style. They say that with years comes self-confidence, and that you can see it in every aspect of someones life, including personal style. These stylish ladies are the proof! :) Some of them are 70/80/90, or even 100 years old, and they still manage to live their lives to the fullest, to educate themselves, to work out, and all that with style and positive energy! Their advice is – Celebrate every day and don’t pay attention to calender. It’s not so hard, isn’t it? :) They really are true ladies and an inspiration.
(photos taken from blog Advanced Style)